Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Conscientization programme

 Conscientization programme

An awareness on junk food

The concept of conscientization is the process of developing a critical awareness of ones social reality through reflection and action . conscientization or critical conscious is a popular education and social concept developed by Brazilian Pedagogue  Paulo Freire .

As part of our B.Ed Curriculum, We conducted a conscientization programme on " An awareness on junk food" at St Mary's HSS, Pattom on 21st January 2023 at 11.30 am to 12.30 pm. People nowadays find specific food items like bread, cake, pizza and cold drinks etc. This make harmful healthy issues and diseases. Especially, students are easily addicted to these junk foods. So we chosen this topic. 


            The young generation, particularly teenagers were easily attracted towards bakery foods, fast foods, ice creams etc. They felt that ready made foods are very tasty and yummy to eat. They believed that there is no harmful effects in these items. At the same time, they were far away from homely foods.

             We divided the topic into three parts. Firstly, Myself starts the presentation by saying the introductory part ie, about junk food. I explained it clearly to the students that junk foods contains high levels of sugar or fat and explained how these foods affect our body. Students carefully observe the slides and the changes that happens to our body during the digestion of these foods. Megha  continued the session by admitting the reasons why the junk food is bad. She specified that junk food is the reason for fatigue, indigestion and fluctuations in the blood level &about the types of healthy food that we have to intake. Different traditional foods are showed by using ICT. The students were enthusiastic. Vivek concluded that in our diet we have to include fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, fish, etc and also to avoid the intake of junk food.

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